Xtabi Select Soccer

Xtabi Select Soccer

"Good People, Great Soccer"

Xtabi Soccer is for the more skilled and dedicated players who are ready for greater challenges and opportunities to strengthen their game, make new friends and become a stronger player. If your player is looking for this kind of soccer then Xtabi Soccer may be for them. Xtabi Soccer will test the player mentally, physically and emotionally, as he/she will apply their skills against many of the best players in central Ohio. The player will learn to enjoy competition, and win or lose, develop the strength of character to better themselves and their team game during the season.

Xtabi is paraphrased from Jamaica to mean good people. NASA has solid teams with good individual skills and more importantly, we are known for our level of improvement from year to year. Many of the programs, facilities and staff improvements have materialized by the heightened level of play on the field.

Xtabi creates a long term playing environment with professional coaches, a private non-profit Club and a core philosophy for personal development.

Compare apples to apples and we offer more to our families for the lowest possible expense.

Questions? call the office at (740) 366-7033
or email: nasaxtabi@gmail.com


Newark Area Soccer Assn.

600 Baker Blvd

Newark , OH 43055


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Facebook - Newark Area Soccer Association 
Instagram - Newark_area_soccer
Twitter - Newark_soccer